
Shell Oil Execution Scandal Case Settlement $15.5 Million

Oil Giant Royal Dutch Shell agreed to settle a lawsuit that accused them of ordering the death of nine oil industry opponents who led non-violent protests to heighten awareness of deadly toxic poisons released from oil burning in Nigeria.

The settlement was reached June 8 after a 13 year dispute that was set to go to trial in U.S. district court in New York. Shell has agreed to pay $15.5 million to the Ogoni people of Nigeria who have suffered from the oil toxins that pollute their land.

"If you drive through the Niger Delta, if you walk through communities, you'll find communities who live beside these enormous flames, which burn 24 hours," said Ben Amunwa of Remember Sarowiwa. "A cocktail of toxins is released when Shell and other oil companies burn gas like this. Toxins like benzene have been seeping into the water supply and ruining crops, and causing cancer among local communities for many years." Click on title link for the full story Posted by Traxx

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