

State officials said Wednesday that they had identified six probable cases of the swine flu in Maryland - including in two school-age children - as the World Health Organization signaled a pandemic is imminent and federal health authorities said there were 91 confirmed cases of the virus spread across 11 other states.

None of those sickened in Maryland have been hospitalized, and all had links to people who had traveled to Mexico, the epicenter of the outbreak, or other countries where there have been swine flu cases, Gov. Martin O'Malley said.

The schools attended by the two children - Folger McKinsey Elementary School in Severna Park and Milford Mill Academy in southwestern Baltimore County - are not being closed, and there is no fear at this time that the virus has spread to other students.

Still, the six likely cases in Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties, which are expected to be confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday - are probably not the last, officials said. The state is testing at least a half-dozen more specimens from people with flu-like symptoms and links to countries where there has been flu, so the numbers could climb.

The new cases reported by the CDC Wednesday morning added Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Indiana and Massachusetts to a list that included New York, California, Kansas, Ohio and Texas. State officials in Maine said laboratory tests had confirmed three cases there, not yet included in the CDC count.

"These numbers are almost out of date by the time I say them," Dr. Richard Besser, acting director of the CDC, told reporters.

Officials have advised against nonessential travel to Mexico, but Besser said the United States has no plans to close the borders. The Border Patrol is on the lookout for sick people and is handing out cards with the warning signs of the flu on them, he said, but closing the borders won't work to stop its spread.

Arin Gencer and the Associated Press


  1. Hey, WASH YO HANDS- Especially after using the restroom( it’s a shame to have to even say, but is needed to be said) Germs spread so quickly in public places that we all need to be more cautious. Carry some hand sanitizer.
  2. Manage your stress- Most of yall know who, what, and how stress comes to you. Most of it’s the same ol same ol situations that we can’t avoid going through our daily process. So think ahead about how to relieve that tension with so and so, be more receptive to negative attention by channeling that energy to somethin positive, and organizing your work for easy access and supervision.
  3. Be active- A lot of us do something constructive sitting in our chairs all day, crunching numbers or ebaying, or just listening to the #1 online station for the DMV, (www.dmvradio.net), but consider doing something construcitve on your feet. Get ya heart rate going, walk it out, sweat it out, whatever method you use to do it, make sure you keep a routine going so your system can be strong and ready to fight any virus.
  4. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it. – PLEASE!!!! It only takes 2 seconds.
  5. Don’t be inconsiderate- If you know you are sick and have symptoms of this virus, STAY HOME!! It isnt fair to others for you to even acidentally spread your germs. Please hold it down and post up at your humble abode.


*Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

* Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen

* Sudden dizziness

* Confusion

* Severe or persistent vomiting

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