Kanye West has done it again. What better forum is there to blurt out nonsense than a stage, a microphone, and millions listening to every word you decide to unleash to the masses. The public should be used to the random word vomit that Kanye chooses to spit, but last night's MTV Awards went just a little too far. Peers and fans from over the globe voiced their disdain on Kanye's latest rant. I say that it was seven seconds too long. I was waiting for the cane to come and yank his babbling tail off the stage. Seems like Kanye should have left the bottle at home this time. I appreciated the outburst on former President Bush during the Katrina disaster, but I did not enjoy the self affirmation that he was the "New King of Pop". We all know that Kanye can not help himself when given a microphone and listeners, but give me a break. What did Taylor Swift do to him?
On A Positive Note: Beyonce gave Taylor the shine she deserved. Every artists deserves the stage when they win an award for their hard work. It takes a classy lady to extend such a gesture.
You Are....... InTheMixWithTre'!!
Posted by InTheMixWithTre'
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