
Should married couples use protection?

It's very dangerous to put your life and health in the hands of another person, no matter how much you love them. If your running around having sex statistically is you're guaranteed to catch something that will last longer than your relationship. If you not using protection and having sex that’s like playing Russian roulette with your d!ck as the .45 caliber. When you’re using a condom HIV transmission is reduced only 85%. So who wants to fall into that other 15%? (Not me).

Condoms don’t cover everything even HPV and herpes are spread by skin-to-skin contact.

  • Up to 37% of men and 22% of women admit to having affairs. Researchers think the vast majority of the millions of people who visit chat rooms, have multiple "special friends". Dr. Bob Lanier, askbob.com
  • 22 percent of married men have strayed at least once during their married lives.
  • 14 percent of married women have had affairs at least once during their married lives.

As the WASHINGTON POST reports:

“Our rates are higher than West Africa,” said Shannon L. Hader, director of the District’s HIV/AIDS Administration, who once led the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s work in Zimbabwe . “They’re on par with Uganda and some parts of Kenya .”

“We have every mode of transmission” -- men having sex with men, heterosexual and injected drug use – “going up, all on the rise, and we have to deal with them,” Hader said.

I live in the DMV (DC/MD/VA) area and when I hear about the statistics here it makes you want to stop having sex all together. DC aka Chocolate City has a developing world AIDS epidemic on the rise. 3% of the population is HIV positive and that’s just counting the people who have actually been tested.

(What about the people who haven’t been tested? I was thinking the same damn thing!)

Well let me show light people. Federal health officials think anywhere from a quarter to a third of people living with HIV in the U.S. DON’T EVEN KNOW IT.

(This weekend when you up in the club act like you know!)

Some people think it could never happen to them, but if you look at the statistics on cheaters even married couples aren’t safe. I just feel like we are getting to the point where even married couples are going to have to start using protection on the regular. What do you think?


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