April 19, 2009. MediaTakeOut.com just got a hold of a recent interview of actor Matthew McConaughey. In it, Matt made some very QUESTIONABLE comments regarding Black women and magazine covers.
Here's an excerpt from the interview:
ELLE: Barbara Walters seemed to be hitting on you during your 2006 interview, which ended with you rubbing her feet. If you’d both been single, might you have let her have her way with you?
MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY: I would’ve had to tell those cameras to cut.
ELLE: All joking aside…?
MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY: Look, I think Anthony Quinn once said, “There’s something wrong with any heterosexual man under 80 if he can’t find an angle with every woman.” There’s a lot of truth to that.
ELLE: Any woman you can think of who might not be cover worthy, but whom you find attractive?
MATTHEW McCONAUGHEY: Not so specifically, but yeah. And I see it more with black women, who get dressed up and they’re wearing’ everything to fit snug, and they’re walking the walk.
And you’re like, Man, look at you go! Where did you get that? She might be a larger package, but boy, she sure understands how she’s wrapped.
This guy seriously needs to limit the amount of mushrooms and herbs he absorbs because clearly, this dummy has no idea what he just did. Black women everywhere will be giving Matthew an earful. Chat boards, community sites, and call-in radio will have plenty of material to cover their daily slot. Matthew better hope that a flock of divas don’t put sugar in his tank and spay-paint the word IDIOT across the hood. Just because you have a fetish for all women, does not give you a ghetto pass to make comments regarding the Black Queen and not receive a backlash of negative response. You are a sexy man Matthew, but you lost cool points on that one………
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