
Who Knew?

Just when you thought it was safe enough for our beloved President to relax and get to the real business at hand, another media source is trying to tarnish him with negative press. TMZ http://www.tmz.com/ , along with other media sources released an article stating that “Obama’s Brother—Gone to Pot.” The police charged his home on a Saturday and the reason is still unknown. He was taken into custody for marijuana possession and resisting arrest. George Obama is the half brother of Barack Obama. The fact that Barack Obama has a half brother totally slipped my mind being as though the President met him once and they barely know each other. The only thing that the President and his half brother have in common is genetics. Here is my dilemma. The Kenyan police went through extreme methods to arrest George Obama. They raided his home and immediately arrested him. “I don’t know why they are charging me”, George told CNN. Here is the kicker folks. He was arrested for a total of one joint of marijuana.
I am not familiar with the Kenyan laws I am not aware of any massive Drug Prevention programs. Can someone please tell me where the fire is on this one? You would think that the press would come up with something a little more damaging than one stick of refer. I can recall my vacation in Costa Rica where one of my buddies asked a waiter in their native tongue, “Donde’ esta verde’?” The waiter fulfilled her request in less than ten minutes. Let us not mention the Netherlands where the police will assist you in lighting your joint if you ask. The strong efforts of the Kenyan police and press are petty, redundant, and borderline comical. George Obama probably went into his back yard, picked up a couple of “Bush weed”; (pun intended) fixed a warm cup of milk and began his day. Who knew that he would be the feature of the next episode of “Cops”?
The Law enforcement agencies here in the United States would be embarrassed at such a find after a raid, and would sweep it under the rug for fear of being the butt of office jokes. The “Jakes” do not want to waste the ink or time filing the paperwork on something that would be barely classified as a misdemeanor. This is a result of the press and right-winged Republicans ongoing quest to discredit our President. Some may think that Barack Obama is and will be the best president this country ever had. Haters are looking feverishly to break the momentum of our first African American President. I implore you all. Please stop the hatin. Our President already admitted to smoking a joint or two in his college years. Just because his half brother’s first name is George does not mean that the presidency is doomed. Both Bushes, (pun intended), already took care of that with their eyes closed chewing tobacco and hunting deer. Did anyone forget about baby George’s cocaine habit? As a result of this breaking news, I guess George Obama will not be invited to any White House events. There goes his VIP access. Here are a few words for the press from Tre’. “Hypocrisy flows evenly through straightened teeth.” You can quote me on that one. If you are part of the Obama’s family tree, run and hide. They are looking for you. If you jay walk, you are in trouble. Who Knew?
In The Mix With Tre’

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