
Jada Says Will Wants To Run For President!!!

By Bill Johnson January 28, 2010 1:07 p According to his wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Will Smith has his eyes on the Oval Office. Jada Pinkett Smith told press, “Will is thinking about going into politics. He once said he could imagine becoming a US president. He wasn’t joking; he was quite serious about it.” It’s all part of leaving a legacy for posterity, says Jada. “Will and I want to leave traces on this planet – and with that I mean more important traces than just films.” It’s definitely an interesting idea, and not that far-fetched. If Arnold Schwarzenegger can be governor of California, Jesse Ventura can hold down Minnesota, and of course, Ronald Reagan was a former Hollywood star, why couldn’t Big Willie be President? Will’s a pretty smart guy with a great personal philosophy, but I can’t say I know much about his political ideology. He’s got my vote if he picks Jazzy Jeff as his running mate though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLN2k0b3g70 Posted by InTheMixWithTre'

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