
Michael Dwayne Vick is free. I know i'm late!

By Tolu Olorunda “What if Peyton was fighting dogs instead of Mike Vick?/” —Jadakiss ft. Nas, “What If,” The Last Kiss, 2009. “They say I’m all about murder-murder and kill-kill/ But what about Grindhouse and Kill Bill?/ What about Cheney and Halliburton?/ … How’s NaS the most violent person?/” —Nas, “Sly Fox,” Untitled, 2008. “What if history was changed?/ Slavery reversed/ Would black ladies see white boys/ And clinch they purse?/” —Fredro Starr, “What If,” Firestarr, 2001. Finally, Michael Dwayne Vick is free—well, not so. Stuck with an ankle monitor, Vick is to spend two months of home confinement at his Virginia residence. Last Wednesday, the former Atlanta Falcons quarterback was released from a Leavenworth, Kansas, federal prison, after spending 19 months there for allegedly running an illegal dogfighting ring. Right on cue, the sports media is fired up and ready to go. Weeks before his release date drew close, the pundit circuit had begun setting parameters under which Vick could once again play the sport he was untouchable at. To hear them tell it, he would have to make a public apology, televise commercials warning against the dangers of dogfighting, beg for Roger Goodell’s (NFL commissioner) forgiveness, and make amends—financially—for his wrongdoings. Among other things, he would have to join forces with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)—the same organization which recently asked that he undergo “mental evaluation”—to emphasize regret about his past conducts. Vick is being pressured to form alliance with this group, which ruthlessly engages in crude advertisements, ostensibly to justify their love for animals, such as dressing up in Ku Klux Klan (KKK) garbs and accusing targets of attempts to create a “master race” of pure bred dogs—which, they argue, shares similarities with the KKK’s values. Forbes magazine National Editor, Michael Ozanian, captured this whirlwind of self-satisfying rhetoric-fest last Saturday, in a column titled “Free Michael Vick.” He wrote: Vick has served his time under the law. He should not have to bend over backwards and do summersaults to prove anything to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. Vick should not have to kiss the butt of the Humane Society or assist the animal rights group in any way. He should not have to “donate” any of his future earnings to any causes to repent. The law is the law. Vick broke it and paid the price. It is now time to completely free him. It’s important to note that Michael Vick spent 19 months behind bars for a crime, inhumane as it was, more mainstream than the elite, gotcha media tried to make it out to be. (And it ain’t just Black folks doing it.) The acerbic condemnation lashed out at Vick during the beginning stages of his trial, proved that, for many, it had less to do with Vick’s alleged crimes against canines, and more with his function as a Black Quarterback (an anomaly in the league). And not just any Black QB, but a fearless one—at that. Before the prosecution could unravel all evidence sought in incriminating Vick, most pundits had convinced themselves that not only was he guilty, but jail time was due. The reason for this was explained by Black Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback, Donovan McNabb, in a 2007 HBO documentary. McNabb, no stranger to media-generated controversies, himself, was more qualified than any other in his contention that Black athletes, and Black Quarterbacks especially, bear burdens their White counterparts are never subjected to. “There’s not that many African-American Quarterbacks, so we have to do a little bit extra,” McNabb said. Using his career as a case study, he continued: “Because the percentage of us playing this position, which people didn’t want us to play, is low… we do a little extra.” That extra he spoke off, is what constitutes the stark racial disparity of coverage issued by mainstream media and directed at Black athletes—more so, the non-conformist ones. Vick was one of those—like T O—non-conformist. And for that, he paid a steep price. I’m not, by any means, suggesting that Michael Vick or T O are progressive athletes with revolutionary inclinations, but their firm commitment to on and off-field unregulated self-expression, counts for much in the larger equation of Black professional athleticism. I’ve always believed that the greatest sin a Black professional athlete can commit, in the eyes of Major League Sports, is to intimate—not necessarily state—that their career is not the most important priority in life. Once that happens, the media is whipped-up and unleashed on these personalities, and equipped with all weaponry needed to destroy, defame and defeat that spirit which provoked such defiant conviction. If unsuccessful in defeating the spirit, they usually have no choice but to assassinate the characters themselves. This has happened time and time again. Jackie Robinson, Jim Brown, Muhammad Ali, Tommie Smith, John Carlos, Mike “Iron Mike” Tyson, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, and Etan Thomas are but a few examples. The threat posed by such intimation never misses the detection of the three draconian-like commissioners: Roger Goodell (NFL), David Stern (NBA), Bud Selig (MLB). Above all, Roger Goodell has been most competent in taking Authoritarianism to unreached heights. In Vick’s case, it’s hardly a secret that no other figure must be more pleased with his appeal, than Mr. Goodell. Of course, as one only who possesses the power to reinstate Vick, Goodell has made known—in indefinite terms—what requirements are made of him: “Michael’s going to have to demonstrate to myself and the general public and to a lot of people, did he learn anything from this experience? Does he regret what happened? Does he feel that he can be a positive influence going forward?” At this statement, I’m reminded of the old joke, coined by 19th century journalist, Charles Anderson Dana: “Dog Bites Man: Not News. Man Bites Dog: News.” Any observant eye can see that Commissioner Goodell has been anything but a “positive influence,” in his role as CEO of the NFL. Taking any and all opportunities to regulate the lives of players, Goodell’s policies have no limit in absurdity and acidity. A succinct example of his sulfuric sensibilities came through last year, during the media-made firestorm around former Dallas Cowboy cornerback, Adam Jones, for a reported violation of “personal conduct policy.” Jones was suspended indefinitely, but not before Goodell could humiliate him as creatively as possible. In an open letter to Jones, published for the world to see, he wrote: “It’s terribly disappointing to me that we’re dealing with this again and that he’s reflecting so poorly on all of the players in this league, which they don’t deserve.” Like a parent reprimanding a child, Goodell further explained that Jones’ actions had produced a “disturbing pattern of behavior,” which was “clearly inconsistent with the conditions I set for your continued participation in the NFL.” [Emphasis mine] Goodell’s remarks last week share a striking similarity to that letter, and for good reason: Most Black men, like Michael Vick and Adam Jones, are inherently smeared with the Hip-Hop stereotype; a taint unlike any other in its destructive potentials and demonizing possibilities. The fact that men who look like Roger Goodell and David Stern are more likely to be found as executives of record labels, bears no invalidation upon this assertion. The fact that those who cling to this theory are grossly unenlightened about the true essence of Hip-Hop culture and music, couldn’t matter less in the (money-making) discourses centered on (perceived) parallels between Black masculinity and criminality. The fact that White athletes, like Jadakiss and McNabb contended, are never subject to equally vitriolic generalized representations, is meaningless to the Goodells and Sterns and Seligs of this world. In “Public Spaces, Private Lives: Beyond the Culture of Cynicism,” acclaimed scholar, Dr. Henry Giroux, argues, quite convincingly, that these representations and images are having far more impact than mass media—which plays the largest role—is willing to acknowledge. He writes: Fed by widespread stereotypical images of black youth as super predators and black culture as the culture of criminality, minority youth face not only a criminal justice system that harasses and humiliates them but also a larger society that increasingly undercuts their chances for a living wage, quality jobs, essentially social services, and decent schools. The politics of punishment then becomes the last hope they have left, to bleach out thuggery—independence—from the minds of Black athletes. The politics of punishment comes to represent a salient, administrative weapon of mass destruction that renders mute the vocal volumes of political courage Black athletes are illimitably capable of mustering. The politics of punishment successfully keeps at bay the worries of Goodell, Stern, and Selig, ensuring that their employees—potential forces for empowerment—are forever kept in check, and reduced to factory-like workers, within the capitalistic system of professional sports. “And why you tryin’ to slave us/ With minimum wages/ Slammin’ my ni**as up in cages/ Changing their behaviors/” —Onyx, “Last Dayz,” All We Got Iz Us, 1995. InTheMixWithTre’

Swizz Beatz

By Ismael AbduSalaam Producer Swizz Beatz (Kasseem Dean) has requested a court-approved gag order in the divorce proceedings with R&B singer Mashonda. Upon announcement of the divorce last year, gossip columns and sites began speculating the reason for the split was due to Swizz Beatz' alleged affair with R&B superstar Alicia Keys. After vehemently denying the claims for months, Swizz confirmed the relationship earlier this month. Mashonda attorney Bernard Clair criticized the request, lambasting the veteran producer for child neglect and his verse on Drake's "Best I Ever Had Remix," which the high-powered divorce lawyer claimed was a classless attempt to brag about the affair that allegedly ended his marriage. Speaking to the New York Post, Clair stated the issues with the divorce and child support were "flying under the radar until Mr. Dean and Alicia Keys went public about their long-term affair and he released a song implying that he likes it when Alicia serves him breakfast naked. Now that Mr. Dean's questionable conduct is being scrutinized, he suddenly wants a gag order and the media to be locked out?" The former couple divorced last April after four years of marriage. Their one child, Kasseem, Jr., was born in December 2007. At press time, Manhattan Superior Court Justice Deborah Kaplan has not made a ruling on Swizz Beatz's gag order request. InTheMixWithTre’

Rapper T.I. checked into a federal prison

By Roman Wolfe

Rapper T.I. checked into a federal prison in Forrest City, Arkansas today (May 26). Confusion briefly broke out this morning about the time of the rapper's surrender, which occurred around 12:29 CST, sources told AllHipHop.com. T.I., born Clifford Harris Jr. is now serving a 366-day federal prison sentence for attempting to by illegal machine guns and silencers from undercover agents in October of 2007. Officers blockaded the prison entrance and refused to allow reporters any closer than within 170 yards of the prison. A source told AllHipHop.com that T.I. was issued a new check-in date, which may explain the delay. T.I. originally faced 10 years in prison for attempting to purchase high powered AK-47’s and AR-15s with silencers. Representatives for T.I. were not available to comment as of press time.T.I. recently preformed a farewell concert in front of 16,000 fans on Sunday (May 24).






MOST DEF – “Casa Bey - The Ecstatic”

Mos Def - "Casa Bey" - The Ecstatic - 6.9.09 Mos Def, a rapper that always challenges the art of Hip-Hop. This song is free and formless and so is the video. The camera shot is very closely cropped to Mos’ face as he raps and sings to the ever-changing instrumental. This is a must-see, must-hear video.


Velocity Magazine Awards are back!

MISSION The Velocity Magazine Awards are presented to Independent Artists that have demonstrated exemplary talent and skill in their field of entertainment. The awards which will be presented annually will be Velocity Magazines special recognition for those artists that despite having no major music label deals, film distribution or agency connections, continuously expose their works to the public. SUBMISSION PROCESS / RULES AND REGULATIONS Artists wishing to submit their work for consideration of a nomination may do so by following the following guidelines: All Artist and Projects MUST be INDEPENDENT The Velocity Magazine Awards are for Independent Artist and Projects ONLY. If you have major industry representation you are not eligible for consideration. -Music Artist ALL music artists MUST submit a fully executed CD for consideration in the BEST ALBUM Category. Artist seeking consideration for individual Music Categories i.e. Best Male Artist etc. must also submit a total of five (5) tracks for consideration. The nomination submission form must be filled out completely indicating which category(s) the artists wishes to be considered for. -Best Album Artists MUST submit a fully executed CD for consideration. We will not consider any submissions which are not fully executed. “Fully Executed” means professionally constructed with artwork and track listings (a regular CD). -Best Video All videos must be fully executed and submitted on a DVD. The video award is presented to the Producer(s) of the video. Directors of videos may submit their names and video for consideration in the Best Director category. -Best Director Directors may submit work in either a Film, Stage Play or Music Video for consideration. -Best New Artist For individuals making their debut as a music artist either solo or group. Artist must submit either 5 recorded tracks or a full CD or their individual work. -Best Collaboration For artists that are not usually formed or known to be a Duo or Group. -Best Producer Eligible Producers must present either 8 fully executed artist tracks or a full artist CD where the submitting Producer was/is the Producer of note for -Best Comedian Must submit a DVD reel of your performance either from a comedy special or live event. -Best Radio / Talk Show Submissions must be of (1) one complete show / episode (if your show / episode is an hour or longer) If your show / episode is half an hour or less, you must submit (2) complete shows / episodes. Radio programs Talk Shows must be submitted on a CD. Videoed / Recorded Talk Shows must be submitted on a DVD -Best Film / Stage Play* Award will be presented to the Producer of the winning entry. All entries MUST be submitted on DVD for screening purposes. * Projects completed between the years of 2008 – 2009 may be submitted for consideration. -Acting Awards Producers must submit the names of the performers they wish to have consideration for a nomination. Please include Film or Stage Play that features the performer. All submissions must be as followed: Name of Actor: John Doe Category: Best Actor Role: John Doe Name of Film / Play: -Fashion Category Male and Female Models that wish to be considered for nominations must submit a total of five (5) fully executed 8x10 fashion photos from actual photo shoots (no polaroids or camera phone pictures allowed) which show the following: -Range -Versatility -Personal Style -Emotion 2009 VELOCITY MAGAZINE AWARDS CATEGORY LISTINGS MUSIC BEST ALBUM – R&B BEST ALBUM – RAP BEST NEW ARTIST BEST R&B ARTIST – MALE BEST R&B ARTIST – FEMALE BEST R&B GROUP BEST RAP ARTIST – MALE BEST RAP ARTIST – FEMALE BEST RAP – GROUP BEST COLLABORATION BEST PRODUCER BEST MUSIC VIDEO BEST ALTERNATIVE ARTIST FILM / THEATRE / MULTIMEDIA BEST INDEPENDENT FILM / STAGE PLAY BEST ACTOR BEST ACTRESS BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS BEST DIRECTOR BEST COMEDIAN BEST RADIO / TALK SHOW FASHION BEST FEMALE MODEL BEST MALE MODEL For Nomination Packets, please send an email to velocitymagazine@yahoo.com DEADLINE IS NEXT MONTH....PERIOD


Flo Rida Next Day Air

Over the years we have seen countless rock and heavy metal videos glamorizing the Playboy bunnies and adult film stars. Melting on the screen were vixens sprawled across vintage cars, pool parties, and backstage concerts exploding out of their extra small bathing suits. We would see long manes swinging from left to right and posing with a painted on smile in the middle of a blizzard. Do Slayer, Poison, and Van Halen come to mind? When the nineties hit, we began to see a rebirth of this trend hit the hip-hop world. This virus spread by small appearances of models standing next to the artist fulfilling her contractual obligations as good “eye candy.” Eminem’s video “Without Me”, paid homage to female porn stars Jena Jamison and Raven. If you were not aware, Jena Jamison is the Elvis of females in the adult entertainment industry. A self made millionaire so to speak. Soon, other hip hop artists followed this rising trend. Vanessa Del Rio is considered to be the cream of the crop as well. There are and were mountains of request for cameos in film and in music. Her name is also the hook and catch phrase slipping through 16 bars in many studios.

Soon, other hip artists followed. These sightings did not come across the television screen once in a while, but quite often. The repetition grew and introduced a make shift marriage between hip-hop and adult entertainment. Artists like 50 Cent, Flo Rida, Snoop Dogg, Big Boi, and many more indulge in their attempts to let the world know that they have either met, know, or have had business or personal relationships with people in the adult entertainment industry. My question is…………….. Is the mainstream public ready to be guest of this informal union? Unfortunately this slow infiltration is ever growing despite the vigorous censorship attempts of those prudes on Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court. Clearly these two industries will continue to impact mainstream audiences sparingly depending on which coast you reside. Just take a trip to www.avn.com It is an online magazine catering to the adult entertainment industry which also has an annual award show for adult film. Flo Rida performed last year for best hip hop artist. So you tell me. www.avnawards.com Do hip hop and the adult entertainment industry mix?

As an outsider looking in, I attended an event in Los Angeles for research. This was a convention held strictly for adult entertainers, affiliates, web hosts, directors, producers, and musicians. Here is what I found……………..

When I went to Erotica LA 2007, I was exposed to a world that I would never envision. I only saw this kind of Erotica on the Playboy Channel or through my dirty collections of pleasurable DVDs. Meeting people in the adult entertainment industry was an extremely exciting and intoxicating experience for me, being a closet freak and all. Aside from my visit to Amsterdam, viewing Jenna Jamison, Evan Stone, and Ron Germy, I had no clue I was mixing and mingling with the best of them. I felt like Nicole Kidman without Tom Cruise because I did not want my eyes to be shut. That is exactly how I wanted it. I purposely did not watch any porn because being a NEO erotic writer in this industry. I did not want to make any preconceived notions or judgments. I wanted to talk to these entertainers and know them as a person, and not porn stars. I could look at them and have a moderate conversation without visions of them in the buff performing. As a result, I met a host of great industry stars amateur and professional. I had the time of my life. Tre’ Chamborg is hooked. I’m taking baby steps on this one guys. Please be gentle. I came home to Washington, DC and immediately viewed all the material of the people that I met in Erotica LA. Boy oh boy was I blushing. Wow. Kaylani Cream was on me in LA and now she is on the computer at home. She made me nervous there but seeing her work the screen and everything else made sent my mind into a tailspin. This woman is smart, beautiful, sexy, and yes……..a porn star. I made these same revelations with Ms. Panther, Jada Fire, Nina Hartley, Jeff & Raven of Trashy Entertainment, Sara Jay, Pinky, Shadow Cat, Evan Stone, and many more. I can’t leave out my #1 Crush Mr. Kato Cooks. Kisses! The moral of the story is……………………..Never judge a book by the book’s cover or the contents. Just have an open mind and the guts to step outside the box.

To sum it all up, the adult lifestyle is no longer shunned in society. With the increasing intrigue of closet fanatics and the help of Hugh Heffner www.playboy.com , we are likely to see more to come. Music and the adult entertainment industry have been flirting for years. The courtship has crept through the big screen by long time porn producer Bennie Boom who recently released the smash hit comedy “Next Day Air”. Now how did this happen? Maybe the same way that Vanessa Del Rio stole the scene from the late Bernie Mac in “Soul Man.” For those who think this is a despicable thing………Close your eyes and plug your ears. This is a train that will not slow or stop. There will be more to come………


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Call the White house directly at 202-456-1111 to support change.
Posted by Traxx


Quotes and Notes

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, "Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion"

-Muhammad Ali
Posted by Traxx


Precious (Starring Mariah Carey & Mo'nique)[Oprah Winfrey / Tyler Perry Backed Film] [Movie Trailer]

Trailer for the Oprah Winfery/Tyler Perry backed film "Precious," based on the novel "Push" by Sapphire. The film stars comic Mo'Nique and features Paula Patton and Mariah Carey.

Maxwell Interview With Tavis Smiley: “I’m Normal”

Post from Bossip

Welcome home DMX

By Ismael AbduSalaam

Yonkers Hip-Hop star DMX is free after serving over 90 days in jail on drug, fraud, and animal cruelty charges, a representative confirmed with AllHipHop.com. The rapper was released from "Tent City," aka the Maricopa County Jail, late yesterday afternoon (May 13). DMX's conviction and prison sentence was a culmination of a 2008 filled with legal woes. The rapper’s last arrest resulted in an extradition back to Phoenix after attempting to hide out in producer Scott Storch’s Florida mansion. Originally, DMX, born Earl Simmons, was to serve only 90 days in jail. His tenure was extended when he faced additional charges for allegedly assaulting a corrections officer over a food dispute. During his incarceration, X revealed plans to start a Christian ministry upon his release.

"I'm gonna start a TV show called Pain and Perseverance, it's about how I can reach people that the average person can't reach because I'm grounded," he stated. "I'm going to give my first sermon, in the church. That's going to be incredible for me and hopefully the congregation of that church. I've completed my gospel album. On every one of my albums there's been a gospel song and prayer. Because of my image those songs are never made singles except my sixth album where they did 'Lord Give Me a Sign.'"DMX was originally supposed to release a double album, one with his Hip-Hop comeback titled Walk With Me Now, the other a gospel album titled You'll Fly with Me Later.

Both projects remain in limbo. At press time, DMX has not released a statement confirming his plans for the rest of 2009.


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What Is Waysome?
Being waysome is the highest form of superiorty. There is no going beyond waysome, waysome is the maxX an object or being can reach. When something is called or referred to as waysome, it should be admired for it's superiority over life. Being called waysome is the greatest honor and has the same feeling as looking into the face of god and having him say you are his finest creation.

Food for thought

Every sexually active person on planet earth should read this!

This includes:

Up and coming pimps, players, hoes, professionals, whores, prostitutes, teachers, preachers,

creatures, creepers, leechers, gigolos, maintenance men, sugar daddies, sponsors, brothel janitors, madams, mama sans, pussy peddlers, nut buckets, cum catchers, everybody in the military, government workers, airplane pilots, adult movie set cleaning crews, gold diggers, platinum diggers, millionaire man-whores, billionaire beach bunnies, cougars, pumas(cougars in training), plumbers, models, strippers, cocktail waitresses, bucket mouth bitches, athletes, freaky firefighters, cowboys, oil boys, young boys, nasty nurses, construction workers, brick layers, pipe layers, back breakers, heart breakers, ball players, TV anchors, fluffers, ministers, presidents, interns, Professional bull riders, ninjas, Circus performers, camera men, nymphs, sluts, man eaters, head technicians, roughnecks, around the way girls, real anal housewives, sex buddies, cocksuckers, butt lickers, facial experts, bare back riders, preschool teachers, doctors, church deacons, cherry poppers, video vixens, circle jerker’s, hummers, goers, doggie style hitters, side strokers, G-spot hitters, gang bangers, gonorrhea givers, she males, shaft smackers, highly educated college students, school graduates, 10th grade students, sixty niners, snow blowers and sniffers, weed smokers, proactive users, anyone who has eaten at McDonalds, sex therapist, salad tossers, computer technicians, physical trainers, swingers, wife swoppers, love tunnel technicians, bootleggers, dance instructors, lipstick Lesbos, gay people, bi-sexuals, tri-sexuals,twinkie snatchers, and pansexuals

STDs are very tiny organisms, minuscule in size compared to sperm. These super-small viruses can get through a hole in a condom much more easily than sperm can. For example, HIV (the AIDS-causing virus) is so small that two million of the disease-causing agents could crowd on the period at the end of a sentence.

In 1993 the University of Texas analyzed the results of 11 different studies that had tracked the effectiveness of condoms to prevent transmission of the AIDS virus. The average condom failure rate in the 11 studies for preventing transmission of the AIDS virus was 31%.

One reason condoms fail in preventing the transfer of AIDS is that latex condoms have tiny intrinsic holes called "voids." Sperm is larger than the holes, but the AIDS virus is 50 times smaller than these tiny holes which makes it easy for the virus to pass through [Source: Dr. C. M. Roland, editor of Rubber Chemistry and Technology]. To give you an idea of how easy it would be for the virus to pass through these holes, just imagine a ping pong ball going through a basketball hoop.

Doctors speak out about condom failures!

Many leading health experts have warned against depending on condoms for protection against AIDS and other STDs. Here’s a sampling of their comments:

· "You just can’t tell people it’s all right to do whatever you want as long as you wear a condom. It (AIDS) is just too dangerous a disease to say that." ¾ Dr. Harold Jaffee, chief of epidemiology, National Centers for Disease Control

· "Simply put, condoms fail. And condoms fail at a rate unacceptable for me as a physician to endorse them as a strategy to be promoted as meaningful AIDS protection." ¾ Dr. Robert Renfield, chief of retro-viral research, Walter Reed Army Institute

· "Relying on condoms for ‘protection’ can mean lifelong disease, suffering, and even death for you or for someone you love."

¾ Dr. Andre Lafrance, Canadian physician and researcher

· "Saying that the use of condoms is ‘safe sex’ is in fact playing Russian roulette. A lot of people will die in this dangerous game."

¾ Dr. Teresa Crenshaw, member of the U.S. Presidential AIDS Commission and past president of the American Association of Sex Educators--Prolife.com



NEW WALE - Chillin Feat. Lady GaGa

Rev Run's Son Popped for Weed

By Houston Williams The son of legendary rapper Joseph "Run" Simmons of Run-DMC was arrested for possession of marijuana on Friday night, according to published reports. Joseph "JoJo" Simmons Jr. allegedly bought weed and was seen rolling the illegal substance in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, according to gossip news site tmz.com. Sources within the police department told the site that the 19-year-old was inside a car when he was apprehended. The sources also charge that he tried to escape by reversing and almost struck a police vehicle. Simmons Jr. was charged with resisting arrest, attempted reckless endangerment, and criminal use of drug paraphernalia in addition to the possession charge. No statement has been issued by the Simmons family or a representative. "You can learn many things from your Children.. (Patience for instance! :-)," Rev Run wrote on his Twitter page. Simmons, Jr. stars on the show "Run's House" with his father and the rest of the family. InTheMixWithTre’ Related Sources: http://www.allhiphop.com/stories/news/archive/2009/05/09/21538558.aspx


Shone Flo Rida - "Shone" ft. Pleasure P

As I sit on the couch clicking away on the laptop, a video playing on the television grabs my attention. A jam fit to start the new season off caused my head to bob as Flo-Rida and from what I thought a new artist blazes the new release “Shone.” Shone" (Flo Rida The hook grabbed my attention immediately along with the face of the cutie who sang it. This voice carried a familiar sound. A week went by and an email conversation with a friend prompted me to initiate further research. Marcus Ramone Cooper aka Pleasure P Did You Wrong" is the former lead singer of Pretty Ricky. Pleasure P has gone from young and raunchy to grown and sexy. Do you recall the few seasons where a group of young boys who clearly were misguided in their career, exploded on BET, MTV, and various other pre-award shows? With Pleasure P’s second breakthrough performance and hopefully many more collaborations, we have a fresh new voice in R&B. Just check out “Boyfriend # 2 if you have not heard it yet. You will find that his music is much classier than his former group, and it appeals to grown up fan base. Be on the lookout for the rebirth of an artist. You are officially in the mix.

Marcus Ramone Cooper (born December 27, 1984), better known by his stage name Pleasure P a contemporary R&B singer who experienced success as a member of the group Pretty Ricky before embarking on a solo career in 2007.

In 2008 he released his solo debut single, "Did You Wrong," which quickly charted on the Billboard Hot 100, and though it only reached the top 90 on the US charts, it was successful for an unprecedented debut, and charted high on the R&B Charts and Airplay Charts. His solo debut album, tentatively titled The Introduction of Marcus Cooper, is scheduled for release on June 9, 2009. It was originally going to be released in January but got pushed back to March 31, then to May 5, and now is scheduled to be released June 9. Pleasure P's career received a boost by being featured in the second single from Flo Rida's upcoming album "R.O.O.T.S.", gaining much publicity from his presence on its guest list. Pleasure P also released a 2008 EP entitled "Boyfriend #2", including "Did You Wrong" and a promo single "Boyfriend #2", released digitally and as an LP disc."The reason I named it that is because Pretty Ricky introduced you all to Pleasure P, but now Pleasure P is going to introduce you to Marcus Cooper, which is my government name," says the 24-year-old, who left his post as lead singer of the group last year. "This time, I'm in my own lane musically -- I'm grown up now. I'm talking about things that average R&B guys don't talk about but that average people can relate to. Pretty Ricky was overly raunchy, young and with no direction. Now, my music is classier and I'll tell you exactly how it is."[cite this quote


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